World Witness Ministry
World Witness is the foreign missions agency of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian denomination.

Continue to arrange for missionaries to visit our Church during the year.
Continue to contribute to various offerings which support missions.
Decide on a mission project, or projects, that will involve as many of our Church groups as possible.
Subscribe to ARP publications and email updates.
Display missionary study books, biographies, magazines, etc., in our homes and Church library.
Decide on one missionary or missionary family that our Church would like to be partners with in getting the Gospel out. Correspond with them, exchange pictures and ask for specific prayer requests.
Have missionaries visit in our homes.
Continue to emphasize Missions during worship services.
Pray daily without ceasing.
World Witness Mailing Address and Contact Information:
The Board of Foreign Missions of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
918 S. Pleasantburg Dr. Ste. 218 Greenville, SC 29607
864-233-5226 Fax: 864-233-5326
World Witness Website: http://worldwitness.org